
Walking journeys explore how the act of walking can affect the way we think and build personal narratives of place.

‘A sense of Place is the sixth sense, an internal compass and map made by memory and spatial awareness together’

Rebecca Solnit.

This project specifically considers the human body as a porous and receptive threshold for sensing and attuning to the experiences of its milieu.

To disrupt the usual linear reading of the land when walking this project seeks to pause, hold and displace, allowing movement to guide perception towards a mode of sensing that is more attuned with the multiple ways in which the world is active around us.

For me drawing has enabled a way for me to think about my body in the world.

Drawing line by line, over time, temporal, fragile, instantaneous, state of flux, all drawing is of the moment, you are looking, acting and reacting while you are thinking and feeling both analytically and instinctively. The drawing becomes the residue of these relations, making them visible.

The new works being created as part of this project reflect the relationship between inside and outside, boundaries between the two cease to be clear and the hand made marks serve as a kind of border between two experiences.

Walking journeys explore how the act of walking can affect the way we think and build personal narratives of place.